The Effects of Cement on the Planet
The Effects of Cement on the Planet

The Effects of Cement on the Planet

Concrete production accounts for 8% of carbon emissions and demand for concrete is growing as the world’s population increases. Concrete manufacturing also contributes significantly to industrial emissions.

The high pollution levels caused by structural concrete are due to the dust generated by casting the concrete and the trucks that transport the materials between construction sites.

University of California researchers have estimated the cost of air pollution caused by concrete manufacturing. The researchers examined many CO2 emission reduction methods to see which ones are more likely to reduce air pollution as well.

The researchers discovered that using greener and sustainable versions of kiln fuel and more renewable energy can help mitigate the emissions. They also believe that switching a portion of the concrete with a lower-carbon substitute is a successful strategy for mitigating emissions.

As claimed by Norman Day, a professor in architectural construction, practice, and design at the Swinburne University of Technology, over 90% of UK people expected to live in urban areas by 2030, we must ensure that destruction does not lead to excessive carbon emissions and air pollution.

As the cement concrete industries make powerful solutions to decrease greenhouse gas emissions, they must understand the repercussions of their decisions on other environmental burdens to prevent unintended consequences.

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